we live in hell

Full Version: They See Me Roland, They Hatin'
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Quote:It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age or resolution, it was the age of pixilation, it was the epoch of Atari, it was the Epoch of Colecovision, it was the season of Ultima, it was the season of Pitfall..." ~ xxxCh@r|35_DD1c43n55xxx
Back in the waning days of the previous century, when the huddled masses yearned for display colors that were not black, lime, and tangerine, we were blessed by the visitation of Saint Roland and his siren song of musical salvation:

On the other hand, the sweet synth tones of the OPL2/3 are hard to beat:

I don't mind the MT-32, it's just not as distinctive to me. It doesn't put you in a specific time and place because it's just a little too good.
Go hard or go home, if you're gonna recommend OPL2/3, highlight the advantages it has for bass lines:

(Song below really kicks off after 1:10):
I'll never accept you shitting on the WC soundtrack!