we live in hell

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Please respond with memes / images that hit right in the childhood 
i hope you know about Garfield minus Garfield

Garfield Minus Garfield is great!

Here's a really great list of more than 20 Garfield variations:
not everyone knows this but Jim Davis is from Muncie, Indiana, where my family is from. there's an unsurprising amount of Garfield-related stuff in Muncie as a result.

i would not suggest anyone go to Muncie to see it, however. Muncie sucks.
as a Nintendo gamer, this hits me hard
(01-23-2025, 02:51 PM)ScottyMcGee Wrote: [ -> ]as a Nintendo gamer, this hits me hard

hubby said: maybe one day they'll return.

I said: I hope its not a case of "we resurrected them but they came back wrong"