we live in hell
want some plugins? - Printable Version

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want some plugins? - gorzek - 01-24-2025

i'm going to suggest some plugins i think might be cool to have. some i might do anyway, but certainly interested in hearing what others might like.
  • shoutbox (basically a real-time chat)
  • ability to use @ to tag people (this seems like a great one to me)
  • alerting system (this can integrate with @ tagging)
  • view unread posts (basically a one-stop "see all new posts since my last visit" page)
  • ad manager (the idea here would be that we all advertise our own stuff, i would NOT be selling ad space to outsiders)
  • private message log -- I WILL NOT INSTALL THIS. I actually wanted to call this out specifically. there's a plugin that will allow me to view people's PMs. while i could technically already do that by dumping the database, you can have my public promise right here that i will not be doing that. in fact i will find a way to expire PMs after a length of time so there's no long-term record of them.
  • avatar gallery (some basic avatars you can choose from so you don't have to upload one or use the boring default)
  • tag system (at least one person asked for this and i confirmed it can be done)
  • blog system?
  • newsletter system
  • private message reporting (this seems like a good idea in case of abuse)
  • minify (this reduces bandwidth usage)
  • spoiler code (hell yeah)
  • arcade? that's neat
  • firewall (if it does what it says it will be very useful)
  • 2 factor auth (another good idea)
  • fast quote (select desired text, click button, quoted!)
  • wiki (dunno what we'd use it for but, maybe?)
  • activity bar (a little chart on your postbit showing how active you are; just for fun)
  • todo list (probably more for me than anything)
  • PM pruner and DB optimizer (exactly what i was looking for!)
  • Admin CP honeypot (another security measure)
  • image resizer
  • it's complicated (relationship manager, lol)
  • politics tagger/hider (this allows posts marked as "political" to be hidden by users who don't want to see them; this would be a merciful option for some, maybe)

(that's me getting through the first 24 pages of plugins, lol. i have 24 more to go, but i will update as i review the rest.)

i am pointedly NOT adding plugins to improve SEO, integrate with socials, etc. i could do those things but philosophically, this place is about carving out a niche away from the Big Platforms. increasing our dependence on them is counter to that goal. i'm still on the fence about blocking outgoing links because i don't want to censor what people post, but i definitely don't want to integrate with social media platforms in general. i might make exceptions for open/federated platforms like Mastodon.

continuing on:
  • courtesy edit time (this gives you a grace period to edit a post during which no "edited by" notice will appear. good for cases where you notice a typo right after you post.)
  • MyDropzone (improved attachment handler)
  • drafts autosave (autosave your draft posts/replies so you can come back to them later)
  • hide content (allows you to hide content with "hide" tags)
  • email admin on registration (just useful for me)
  • PWA+AMP (seems a plugin can do this? will try it)
  • verify new posts (warn you if a thread has new replies while you are replying)
  • RSS feeds (for anyone who wants those)
  • link anonymizer (anonymizes outgoing links)
  • turn order (for RP threads)
  • postbit dice (dice roller for RP threads)
  • hovercards (show user profiles while hovering over their names)
  • MyAchievements (achievement system, i dunno, might be fun)
  • NewPoints (bunch of plugins for this, a points ecosystem; also for fun, not sure about a practical application)

i'll come back to this and decide which ones to install first, but if anyone has any thoughts, speak up!

RE: want some plugins? - gorzek - 01-24-2025

added poll so the voice of the people can be heard.

RE: want some plugins? - FrodoSwaggins - 01-24-2025

What I type in my private messages is between me and the FBI agent investigating me (hi Danielle!).