Space is pretty :D
Space is pretty :D
HI INTERNET PEOPLE!!!!! I may or my not want to see other people post cool things about space here. Please info dump about new things too!! I'd be interested to hear :O easy stuff, complex stuff, new discoveries, old news, whatever :O

Here are some photos I took too :3

I'll start:
The timescape theory for dark energy is something I thought was interesting!

Okay, so...!!
1: the universe is expanding, but the expansion is accelerating, and we do NOT know why.
2: the universe's structure is like a big stringy web? idk go look up videos of the cosmic web and simulations of the universe, it's hard to describe ;-;

so the timescape hypothesis suggested that because the giant voids in between whatever the dense parts are called, expand faster and faster, and so universal expansion would be primarity because of them. It's thought that voids have way less gravitational influence, so maybe as the dense parts get denser, they experience time slower as they fall into their own gravitational well (remember relativity and stuff), while the voids keep expanding at the normal rate. So from OUR point of view, as we keep falling in and slowing down, these voids look like they're expanding faster and faster.

Claiming "the density fluctuations are actually significant enough to cause a universal acceleration in expansion" unfortunately disagrees with one of the core assumptions of our current best model of the universe, Lambda-CDM, so disproving it would require some stellar evidence ;-;

BIG "unfortunately" is that the study that claimed to, I think in part, validate the timescape model did use data that's not accurate quite yet. And lots more other types of evidence more strongly supports Lambda-CDM that we haven't tested with Timescape. Not ONLY that, but the time difference between superclusters and supervoids is only be thousands of years, but timescape is suggesting it would have to be billions! It's sad though, cause timescape theory sounds so elegant!

But hey, we gotta disprove wrong things to get to the right things, so we shall see how things play out as more research comes in!


this is mars behind the moon (it's twice as big as the moon so imagine how far it has to be)

and old one, the double cluster, between Perseus and Cassiopeia
Spring constellations making a comeback at dawn Big Grin
I highlighted the path the moon is taking around the Earth as well :0
i've been into astronomy since i was little. i still love it.

this is one of my favorite books, full of beautiful photos and maps:
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)
Big Grin YES I had a similar atlas!! I was hooked at the age of four and I think i read about 5% of the text ;-; i later learned thru youtube more than anything
The Reader's Digest Children's Atlas of the Universe

Andromeda with 100 stacked photos Big Grin Light pollution and neighbors light weren't very nice ;-;
i've always loved photos of Andromeda. one day we'll merge with it. very exciting!
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)
Indeed!!! Very awesome having such a beast of a galaxy as our neighbor! Big Grin

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