Davis, you and Smith go check the perineum...
Davis, you and Smith go check the perineum...
Quote:Oh I'm sorry but see this is where the real money is. The real money, the money our free marketish system uses to prop up corporate profit, at the expense of the taxpayer, pharmaceutical companies get everything from our government tax breaks, research grants, patent extensions worth billions of dollars and what do we the people get for it? The highest drug prices in the Western Hemisphere and for some reason the possibility of an infection in our perineum! Why would you take a drug that would give you an infection in your perineum and why are they telling us about it at dinner?

Some would argue that Capitalism IS the infection in the perineum...
Americans subsidize our pharma industry in two ways: first, with taxes to pay for the research, then by paying far higher prices than everyone else.
Drug companies have, at times, said out loud that one of the reasons they can care a bit less about drug prices in other countries is because Americans can be made to pay so much, it makes up the difference.
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)
kid died of an asthma attack because his inhailer went from $60 a month to $589 a month.
that sounds like murder to me.

when they were describing the bloated ticks and parasites in our government, it sounded like they're talking about themselves? how about we address how much our government officials are getting paid? They should be made to live as the poorest of our people live. If they want better, they need to make it better for those at the bottom. Government officials should live on foodstamps.
That's always the right-wing trick: accuse everyone else of what you are actually doing.
"We're rooting out corruption!" No, they're the ones who are corrupt.
"We're going to stop worthless spending!" What they mean is any spending other than what they want will be deemed worthless.
They are doing it right in front of us, they barely even try to hide it.
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)

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