A good suggestion I saw was to contact (write, call, hell, visit!) anyone with a megaphone bigger than you and express your concerns about what's going on. You don't have to do it in a partisan way, though if you think that angle will work, go for it.
But an example would be, your town has some municipal projects? Call the mayor. Ask how the funding freezes affect that. Got a local university? Ask what's going on with student loans and grants. Ask the schools superintendent what's happening with education. And don't forget your county, state, and federal officials.
A lot of people with power to act are frankly cowards, but they can be compelled to grow something of a spine if they feel like the public is behind them, and that's what matters about this approach.
I wouldn't say this is all people should do, but if you keep asking yourself why no one with the power to do anything is doing anything, remember that they are easily swayed by public sentiment and you are "the public"! So give them your sentiment!
Again, I am not giving a simple "write your Congressperson" here, because I agree that in and of itself isn't likely to do much. It's more making noise at every level you can so those people will make noise on up the chain to a point where somebody, somewhere will have to respond to it.