your favorite forgotten movie/TV show?
your favorite forgotten movie/TV show?
hopefully this will be a fun kind of thread because i always end up finding out about interesting things i never heard of.

is there a movie or TV show you love that nobody else seems to remember? maybe it was a box office dud, or an obscure indie, or a one-season TV show from a defunct network. whatever it is, share it!

in my case it's Total Recall 2070. the name is really a misnomer. it was capitalizing on the popularity of the movie, but in terms of actual content it's really Blade Runner: The Series. as with so many other shows, it's presented as a police procedural, with a hardboiled detective and his new partner, a human-looking android with a mysterious past.

the pilot is a movie about a handful of androids outfitted with special memory modules that let them develop enough memories that they start to become sentient. that kinda sets the tone for what sci-fi concepts the show as a whole will play with.

it's inherently episodic though it does have some plot points that get revisited. it ends on a sort-of cliffhanger. but the show oozes atmosphere and just has a certain feel to it that nothing really captures anymore.

it only got one season and ends with a sort-of cliffhanger. a real shame. but i like to go back and watch it sometimes just for the vibes.

the whole thing is available on YouTube, too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6pv3zGI...Y-kcGsHUei
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)
I remember A LOT of cancelled shows I used to watch. 

Traveler from 2007. Only lasted 8 episodes. I clearly remember watching the pilot as a kid and being hooked. For the longest time I didn't know what show that was until I described it on Reddit recently and someone told me. The pilot started out with three grad student boys pulling a rollerskating prank in a museum. Two get out fine but the third doesn't, and when he calls them he's like "I'm sorry about this guys," and the museum explodes. The two guys are then on the run suspected of the bombing and they try to find out why their friend did that. It got me hooked since the pilot was great, but when it wasn't on anymore, I was like "I MUST KNOW WHY HE DID THAT. WHAT HAPPENED?" Upon looking at the wiki, the other 7 episodes seemed to have answered some stuff quickly so maybe that was why it was cancelled? But it was only out for literally a few weeks, so it was very much a "blink and you miss it" thing. I only ever watched the first episode when it aired. 

The Philanthropist was another show that I thought was cool. Basic premise is a billionaire decides to go around the world helping people. Supposedly inspired by the real-life philanthropist-adventurer Bobby Sager. Reading the synopsis now feels like it suffered from "white savior complex" but I just remember a cool motorcycle chase scene in the first episode that stuck in my head for some reason. 

I used to watch Keen Eddie, which lasted the shortest out of these three shows, until it mysteriously vanished and then I later realized it was cancelled. It's very early 2000's vibes and when you watch it on YouTube you're like "Eh, I can see why they cancelled this". Very cheesy but I like the gag where Eddie keeps thinking this co-worker is hitting on him but then nobody else heard what he heard her say, so it was ambiguous if what she said was in his head or not. I was bummed out that it was cancelled because it was the one show that had my nickname in the title.

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