what are you HODLing?
what are you HODLing?
I have embarrassingly small positions in anything, really, but here's what I have at least some amount of that I am committed to holding onto (or even buying more of):
  • JEPQ - A premium income ETF
  • REFI - A real estate investment trust
  • ABR - Another REIT
  • AOMR - Another REIT
  • SCHD - Another ETF
  • MITT - Another REIT

Gee, sense a pattern here? Anyway. All of these pay dividends, which I reinvest immediately.

My amateur ass thinks ETFs and REITs are not too bad. They are less gambly than playing penny stocks or volatile tech stocks, but of course they don't really moon, either.

Since I lost some money playing penny stocks I'm done with that whole game. It's not for me. (It wasn't much, maybe the price of a video game, but still, yuck.)

What about the rest of you?
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)
"lost some money playing penny stocks"

OK, but hear me out. May I suggest the miracle of the E*TRADE Stock Screener?

Here are a bunch of stocks, all of them with Morgan Stanley "Overweight" (buy) ratings, all of them under $4 a share. :Confusedomething somethin skip your morning latte::


*Not financial advice. Not responsible for losses. 
**I am a fictional character who has learned to access the internet on an old Nokia
I am an idiot, tell me how to find this info myself. Where is the "Stock Screener"?
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)
(01-29-2025, 03:36 PM)gorzek Wrote: I am an idiot, tell me how to find this info myself. Where is the "Stock Screener"?

Sure. First navigate the E*TRADE menus as below:

Then configure your options:
I mainly invest in the biotech/pharma field. AstraZeneca (AZN) has got interesting stuff going on, so I'm investing in them. Also they are an overseas company. It's always good to have something non-American in your portfolio. I don't know how true this is but whenever times get tough, even in a global recession, it's good to invest in a foreign (as in, non-American) company.

My job (LabCorp) offered me stock options so I'm doing that too. 

Also investing in Nintendo.

Back when GameStonk was a thing, I managed to nab some $350 out of the craze, so that was cool while it lasted. That was really when I started investing. I wish I had done it sooner because it took a hot minute to set everything up since I had to wait for my bank account to link and I was like "oh come onnnnn".

I used to invest in a weed stock that was doing good but I wasn't paying attention and next thing I know it changed into Tilray Brands and it fucking sucks. Fucking doo-doo. Same thing with Trivago. Back during quarantine, I tried to make a galaxy brain move by investing in Trivago in hopes that when people traveled again it would go up. Never did. Those are the two stocks that are my worst and I'm just waiting for a good moment to sell to either break even or get a little more back.
I personally keep most of my stuff in international funds for the reason you stated. Either the US is down and other countries are up, or vice versa... or everybody is down, or up! In the last two cases it almost doesn't matter what you're holding. But the former two cases are why you should have some domestic and international holdings.
You should probably have less risky stuff as you get older (I mean like, closer to retirement age) but other than that, go hog wild, you know?
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)

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