date yourself with a piece of technology
date yourself with a piece of technology
simple premise: post a picture of a technology that came out the year you were born.

i'll start.

[Image: 068BA0TQZQnWCvXVS7udPmH-1.fit_lim.v1627579003.jpg]
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)
[Image: 20050901-opo0524a-d1384e2cf3833e0c3d0b6a...=85&f=webp]
[Image: Gaplus.jpg]
[Image: 51YkXI3C-aL.jpg]
click this link to see a cool website 

call me sparkie or "you little shit"
lol, i just noticed your signature link. that's great

i will always love the Super Famicom/NES <3
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)

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