currently reading
currently reading
Oh, a "currently reading" thread, how novel. Nobody's ever made one of those.

(Novel, get it? Heh heh! Look, I am cringe.)

Post about what you are currently reading. If you want to. I'm not your boss.

I am currently reading Trans/Rad/Fem by Talia Bhatt. You can find it here: https://taliabhatt.itch.io/transradfem

I've read a couple of the essays within so far. I should point out that her purpose here is to reclaim Second Wave feminism as liberatory and transfeminist. If that sentence is too "inside baseball" for you, just know that there are so-called feminists who reject trans people, to the point that their term for themselves is "trans-exclusionary radical feminists," aka TERFs.

But in much the same way that "toxic masculinity" refers to a type of masculinity rather than describing all masculinity, trans-exclusionary radical feminists are not the only kind of radical feminists there can be. At least, that seems to be Bhatt's perspective. I haven't gotten to that part of the book yet but I understand that's where it's going.

I am not sure if radfem is something that needs to be reclaimed; the why is probably less important than the what, as in "what is to be done?" And her intention is a program to dismantle patriarchy, a goal I can hardly disagree with.

I might post more thoughts about this later.

Obviously, everybody is welcome to talk about whatever they are reading. Please do not make this a debate thread. I would be happy to discuss anything contentious in more depth in the politics forum!
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)
im reading heretics of dune. its really interesting to see latent anxiety about living in what is becoming a surveillance state in the 80s filtered through a sci fi pervert. definitely recommend, though not as cool or interesting as yours lol
click this link to see a cool website 

call me sparkie or "you little shit"
I've only read the original 6 Dune books. Heretics is a really wild one and a total 180 in almost every respect from God Emperor.

I know in my brain that God Emperor is 400 pages of mental masturbation, but in my heart I just love it for being so unhinged. How many books can claim to have a giant millennia-old worm-man thing as the protagonist (and villain)?

I think Heretics is better than Chapterhouse. Knowing what Brian Herbert and KJA wrote, I am glad I didn't read any of the stuff they did.
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)

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