Sci-fi books to read
Sci-fi books to read
Your link is all garbled, it has some chrome extension stuff in it.
In any case, it's terrible that people bullied her off the Internet for writing that. I don't know if it's any comfort that that particular fictional space has grown a lot since.
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)
(02-13-2025, 06:29 PM)gorzek Wrote: Your link is all garbled, it has some chrome extension stuff in it.
In any case, it's terrible that people bullied her off the Internet for writing that. I don't know if it's any comfort that that particular fictional space has grown a lot since.
Thanks for fixing the link!
Here is the kind of thing I'm talking about:
Attack Helicopter isn't about Empty Spaces per se but is in a similar vein of exploring trans experience as something radically outside the bounds of humanity.
Not that trans people think they aren't human, but more that society treats trans people as inhuman, and reflecting what it's like to be treated that way leads to some incredibly creative art.
(Also society should be way nicer to trans people for fuck's sake.)
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)
I actually saw that link BS at work today, coincidentally. It's from copying the link from the address bar when viewing a PDF in Chrome. 
I also wanted to say that I read about this on BoingBoing years ago. Yeah what a bummer. Remind me to write a raunchy musical about a pair of magic glasses that allows the wearer to identify trans people (SPOILER: the people attacking trans people are sometimes trans people [in the story, but also probably IRL]).
Thanks for sharing this. I really do want to add it to my lengthy reading list.
Yeah, that whole episode was really awful. There were indeed trans people attacking her, too, for having the "wrong kind" of trans experience.
I think the climate has gotten a little better in that regard. The trans spaces I have seen tend to be more accepting of the growing diversity of trans experience, and most recognize that what was done to Isabel Fall was heinous.
In general I think all of society would benefit from more, shall we say, gender fuckery. Which is to say, challenging cishet norms about gender and sexuality and so forth.
It does genuinely make me sad that people find the vast spectrum of human experience threatening rather than something worth celebrating.
I guess the idea wasn't for this thread to be about trans writing specifically but what the hell. Now I want to know where the sci-fi books by trans authors are...
I've heard good things about this one, at least:
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)
Quote:I think the climate has gotten a little better in that regard. The trans spaces I have seen tend to be more accepting of the growing diversity of trans experience, and most recognize that what was done to Isabel Fall was heinous.

Saying this apparently caused the universe to make me eat my words because today the trans communities on bsky are eating each other right now.
I have learned enough to identify the underlying beef and it is essentially, "a trans woman who has some shitty opinions must be unpersoned," which... OK, I guess we are just doing Isabel Fall again, all right.
Sorry if this is too topical.
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)

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