Tahomassacre the body font on posts... TAHOMA? With Verdana as the second?

Can we get something like Open Sans or Droid Sans? If you want a serif font, maybe Georgia or Merriweather? (You might be able to suggest better serif options) - In general, something a bit less visually cramped.
I do want to note that the compose window seems to be working in Poppins, which looks pretty alright, as another option:
Feel free to be a font nerd on this and make your own decision, I'm just saying the current text settings are a bit condensed.
I'll write that down. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to change the fonts though I'll need to pick something most likely to work on all devices.
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)
Helvetica is good for dyslexia?
Just bumping this up, still an issue
Bumping won't do much, I haven't had any time to work on this! It's on the list though.
Changing fonts is gonna rate pretty low in general vs. outright bugs, in any case. That's just how it goes.
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)

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