How to bypass basic security features in Windows
How to bypass basic security features in Windows
Sometimes, you may be on a work, or school or lab computer and wish to run or install software which is not permitted. Maybe that software is print drivers, maybe it's some crazy gaming shit: I don't care and I can't help you if you get fired for this.

What I do know is that technically, you can often bypass very basic windows software security with a simple command.

Paste the text below into notepad and save the file as a batch file, "starter.bat" NOT a txt text file.

When you need to "install printer drivers" drag and drop your program executable (exe) on to starter.bat

Paste this into notepad:

cmd /min /C "set __COMPAT_LAYER=RUNASINVOKER && start "" "%1"

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How to bypass basic security features in Windows - by FrodoSwaggins - 01-29-2025, 03:11 AM

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