what are you HODLing?
what are you HODLing?
I personally keep most of my stuff in international funds for the reason you stated. Either the US is down and other countries are up, or vice versa... or everybody is down, or up! In the last two cases it almost doesn't matter what you're holding. But the former two cases are why you should have some domestic and international holdings.
You should probably have less risky stuff as you get older (I mean like, closer to retirement age) but other than that, go hog wild, you know?
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)

Messages In This Thread
what are you HODLing? - by gorzek - 01-29-2025, 03:12 PM
RE: what are you HODLing? - by FrodoSwaggins - 01-29-2025, 03:33 PM
RE: what are you HODLing? - by gorzek - 01-29-2025, 03:36 PM
RE: what are you HODLing? - by FrodoSwaggins - 01-29-2025, 04:17 PM
RE: what are you HODLing? - by ScottyMcGee - 02-11-2025, 05:11 PM
RE: what are you HODLing? - by gorzek - 02-11-2025, 05:30 PM

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