2025 is a Trash and Cash
2025 is a Trash and Cash
I think they are very foolish if that's their game, because a lot of what's being cut are things that will cause decades of damage. Do these fuckers really think they will be alive in 30 years to reap the benefits? Lot of them are quite old already.
I think their real goal is to pick the corpse clean and move on. Rich people are mobile. Some of them care about the US, as a project, and actually like this country and want it to continue prospering (and running a global empire, let's be real, lol.) But clearly some of them couldn't give a fuck, and only see this country (and any other country) as a heart pumping fresh blood they can suck until there's none left.
Gutting research and education and public health, setting up a vast eugenics regime, kicking out immigrants... these are all dead-end policies that foreclose any kind of positive future.
I was introduced to the term "necrosecurity" recently, per this paper:
There is definitely an element to the right-wing movement that believes strength can be achieved by purging the weak. In reality it doesn't work out this way, because an ideology that depends on eternally finding and purging enemies must continue doing that forever, and it will invent enemies as necessary. It is a self-destructive ideology to the core, but it can take a long time to catch up with its architects.
So, I don't think there is really any eye toward long-term profit in any of this. This is a raid. They will take what they can take and fuck off somewhere. I'm sure at least some will stick around to rule the ashes, but the US as a global force will be done, and domestically it's hard to guess just how bad things will get, but... probably bad. We can't even grow our own food without imports, and if you don't have basic food security, you don't have anything. I do think guys like Trump literally don't understand that and think there's some magic wand we can wave to make things happen as we wish. But there's not. There's only so far threatening and posturing will get you, and as the US' stature diminishes, those threats will be less and less effective. How things turn out with Ukraine will tell us a bit about how things are going. I'm not convinced the US will get the mineral deal that's being touted--it's just so absurd. But if it works, then we will be emboldened to do this elsewhere, and essentially shore up the fraying empire through outright belligerence (rather than economic pressure, propaganda, and strategic funding of coups/rebellions, as has been our usual practice.)
Bullies throwing their weight around like this usually fall victim to picking a fight with the wrong person (country.) That's not gonna be good.
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)

Messages In This Thread
2025 is a Trash and Cash - by FrodoSwaggins - 02-24-2025, 01:54 AM
RE: 2025 is a Trash and Cash - by gorzek - 02-24-2025, 03:21 PM
RE: 2025 is a Trash and Cash - by Aloria - 02-24-2025, 04:16 PM
RE: 2025 is a Trash and Cash - by gorzek - 02-24-2025, 05:04 PM
RE: 2025 is a Trash and Cash - by Aloria - 02-24-2025, 08:13 PM
RE: 2025 is a Trash and Cash - by FrodoSwaggins - 02-24-2025, 08:39 PM
RE: 2025 is a Trash and Cash - by gorzek - 02-25-2025, 01:06 PM

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