2025 is a Trash and Cash
2025 is a Trash and Cash
Thanks for the thoughtful responses! I read and enjoyed them all. Great questions too!
I can't really dispute much of what anyone else has said, no arguments there. To revisit my original post, I'm making an effort to apply other lenses to the current socio-economic disaster unfolding in real-time in the United States, informed by my limited knowledge of historic coups elsewhere. I don't posit that 100% of the people involved in planning and carrying out the coup view any of it through the same lens.
The coup is absolutely made up of party politicians who think they're carrying out decades awaited revenge, idealogues, oligarchs, and drank-the-koolaid-death-cult-freedom-fighters. Some folks are a combination of several of these! Not to leave out the "just following orders" Nazi-stans shuffling around the perimeter either. 
I do think that when history looks back, in whatever becomes of the United States, it will be from a modernized America that has stabilized to the point that the average person has food, housing, work, and school most months out of the year. We may be talking about the 2050s though. And I believe that in 20/20 hindsight, there will have been opportunities that arose out of the coup. I'm interested in highlighting those opportunities as much as I'm able, for the audience here, in case someone does decide to stay the course and stay put here, rather than going ex-pat or refugee in Canada or Southeast Asia.
I have no idea when it will hit, but I do believe that DHL, UPS, and Fedex will benefit from the demise of the United States Postal Service. I'm currently trying to figure out the dynamics that are currently causing those securities to drop and what the timing is. Seems to be related to Amazon doing more of its own shipping and ending some big contracts, which in my opinion can't last forever.
If public schools are defunded to the point they become unsustainable, then charter schools will rise, but my experience says that none of that will be publicly traded and most of it won't be profitable directly (only for companies that have lucrative cleaning, technology, food, and other service contracts).
One excellent question is, what the hell is going to happen to all of the old folks? Most so-called national chains of senior facilities are ebb and flow real estate holding companies with a little skilled nursing sideline and so unless you're an insider getting stock on a schedule at a discount, or you have impeccable timing, they are often not worth investors' time. It will be interesting to see if the coming chaos and privatization boom changes that.

Messages In This Thread
2025 is a Trash and Cash - by FrodoSwaggins - 02-24-2025, 01:54 AM
RE: 2025 is a Trash and Cash - by gorzek - 02-24-2025, 03:21 PM
RE: 2025 is a Trash and Cash - by Aloria - 02-24-2025, 04:16 PM
RE: 2025 is a Trash and Cash - by gorzek - 02-24-2025, 05:04 PM
RE: 2025 is a Trash and Cash - by Aloria - 02-24-2025, 08:13 PM
RE: 2025 is a Trash and Cash - by FrodoSwaggins - 02-24-2025, 08:39 PM
RE: 2025 is a Trash and Cash - by gorzek - 02-25-2025, 01:06 PM

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