guild wars 2
guild wars 2
its pretty niche for an MMO i guess but this is my fav game, I am obsessed. It's buy to play, and because of the horizontal progression model almost all content is still relevant, so its just oozing with things to do. I love it (and spend way too much time playing)
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call me sparkie or "you little shit"
i have it, but the guy i played it with hates me so it's kind of a bad memory now. maybe if it works on the Steam Deck i can fire it up again...

i did like that you can basically solo everything, because i hate having to find people to party with in MMOs.
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)
the party up system is pretty bad, too. i like the multiplayer content best but most ppl barely engage with it and just play open world stuff
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call me sparkie or "you little shit"
I forgot to share this video:
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)

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