Stripping Whites
Stripping Whites
No, not like that.
How do y'all strip your whites? By which I mean, how do you get the armpit grease and banana stains out of your undershirts and others? Traditional wisdom is to near boil that shit with hot water and let it sit in the bathtub, then wash without softener as normal.
I assume if you wash 10 shirts like this, you can bet two of them will be nigh unwearable afterwards (perhaps it was the grease that was holding them together?).
My mom, and a lot of other folks, and also dudes who went to prison, used to use Lestoil to get whites Summer Afternoon in Dixie levels of white. I don't have any Lestoil and I'm not sure if its still legal to manufacture. Anyone ever try Dawn Dish Soap? I figure the blue dye in the soap can only help the whites come out whiter (bluing white laundry is a real thing).
OxyClean and a soak cycle, generally.
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)
I bought some nice towels that after the first use went grey. ridiculous. 
so I just went and got walmart towels that were already grey. we don't wear white in this house.

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