After a long time not playing any Skyrim, I decided to do a new run.

I'm a Khajit mage. I have completely ignored the main quest. Just beelined straight to Winterhold and joined the college, and now I'm the Arch-Mage. I'd never done the Magnus quest before, so that was fun. I do appreciate that they have so many completely irrelevant quests in these games. I'm not sure I'll ever do the main quest, we'll see.

I have a large bounty on my head for Whiterun because I accidentally thwacked some guards who were fighting bandits. Guess I shouldn't show my face there!

This is one of those games that's so dangerous to my life. "Just a few more minutes..." *6 hours later* "Fuck!"

It's been that way since Morrowind, for me. These games should be illegal.

Anyway, one day they will do a new Elder Scrolls game but I dunno if I will live long enough! Or it'll be a stinker, like Starfield (womp womp.)
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)
This is appropriate since I'm currently playing as a Khajiit:
[Image: 480660350_1039709977992141_1416044966812...e=67BE3BCD]
Since I finished all the big wizard college quests I've done some of the main quest but I'm mainly just out there doing whatever the hell I want. Thalmor? Waste 'em. Forsworn? You know, I freed their king and all but they still try to murder me on sight. I respect the grind.
I technically have multiple places to live but I've settled on Hendraheim as my main base. I've adopted 2 kids. No spouse yet. I don't actually know how you do that, never done it before.
Vigilants of Stendarr have continually set out to kill me. I don't know why, but I'm sure I did something daedra-friendly that they heard about. Sometime later, I made a pact with Molag Bal for his wicked ass soul-stealing mace. Definitely couldn't have anything to do with the Stendarr stuff.
Weirdly, the most recent time I ran into the Vigilants, they were peaceful. I'm wondering if some of the main quest stuff I did reset my relationship with them. I wish there was a way to show them I'm a ho for daedra and really grind their gears. My companion was literally wearing daedra armor right in front of them.
Speaking of companions, I have Brelyna Maryon from the college, and Skritch, who is a trained skeever. In all honesty, he's not that useful, but he can carry a little bit and he makes for some comedy on occasion. I've found that if he follows me into people's bedrooms they will tend to yell at him. They don't want a giant rat in their house for some reason.
I keep forgetting there's a crime stats tracker in the game. Apparently I've committed 51 assaults and 3 murders. Yeehaw. Grelod the Kind is definitely one of my murders. I forget the other two. You can't expect me to remember dozens of assaults, though.
I have not stolen any horses. I really need to step it up. Maybe set it as a goal to steal every horse from every stable. I don't know. I can't spend all my time slaying dragons, can I?
I have yet to take a side in the Stormcloak/Empire conflict. I hate Ulfric for being a shitty ass racist, and I hate the Empire because... they're an Empire.
Insert that one Squidward meme and have it be like "Entering a racism contest as a Nord when my opponent is a Dunmer from Morrowind." IYKYK.
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)
I never played the game, so I'm not sure about a lot of this. I just popped in to say that I went to school with a trained skeever once and damn that guy could skeeve. Skeever McKeever we call 'im.

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