Fire Emblem!
Fire Emblem!
Fire Emblem Fire Emblem Fire Emblem Fire Emblem


Idk, I just wanted to make a thread about Fire Emblem. What's your favorite game? Character? What haven't you played yet? 

My introduction was like most North American gamers - through the great GBA title simply titled "Fire Emblem" (but known overseas as The Blazing Blade) Lyn has always been my waifu favorite, and Blazing Blade is still my favorite in the series. I lowkey miss the older games when the "dating simulator" aspect didn't take up a huge chunk of gameplay, but at the same time it's a guilty pleasure in the newer ones.

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i enjoyed all of 'em that i played. Three Houses was good. oh, i didn't get very far into Engage. i didn't think it was bad but it didn't grab me like Three Houses did.

do you think it's worth playing through Engage? i'd be willing to give it another shot.

i think i also didn't finish all the 3DS ones. i should go back to those too. i did finish the 3DS one that was a remake.
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)
Honestly? I really like Engage. I like it for its cheesiness, because it feels like it just rolls into it without caring, and in that sense it comes off as more fun. I liked Three Houses too but it's one of those games that you play through and then see a YouTube video someone made and you're like "Wait what? THAT'S the lore?" It's a great setup but has issues conveying lore. There are also two dumb things in the plot that I can't get over. One is that Byleth is just accepted as a professor. Doesn't make sense other than obvious nepotism, which is stupid. The whole time leading up to the game I thought Byleth was going to be a student. But the second thing is that the time skip is simply....she just falls into a pit for X number of years and then climbs out? I'm not a big fan of anime time skips because the second half always feels rushed and strange. 

I love Byleth as a design but the fact that she rarely talks and has virtually no personality also is a downer. I like Engage for the fact that the main character Alear actually fucking talks and has a personality. 

Since Awakening, they have kept doing the whole "I'm actually a sacred dragon" thing and honestly I'm over it. I want to go back to when you were a nameless tactician watching events unfold, or just some character.
path of radiance/radiant dawn will always be the goat for me, i really dig it. a lot of the newer 3ds and switch stuff has so much in between mission content that just feels like busywork
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call me sparkie or "you little shit"
i personally like in-between stuff, but it depends on whether it's well executed. i did find the "go around and talk to everyone" bits of the more recent games kinda tedious. i know that's how they do character development but at that point just present it like a visual novel and don't make me run around like that's improving my immersion.
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)
maybe id like it more if they didnt nerf the heavy petting simulator from the 3ds one in the american release lmao

but fr i just kind of chafe at that in those sort of games generally as a personal preference. I really dig both tactical and strategic layers, and id just rather be doing that than random run around stuff that (imo) could be better accomplished in menus (or skipped entirely)

im also a bit of a completionist so in like, 3h for example i really couldnt bring myself not to do every possible convo and task between every mission
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call me sparkie or "you little shit"
i totally know that feeling. either i'm doing every bit of side content or i'm ignoring all of it, i can't really do it halfway.
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)
By the way, did any of you play the Nintendo DS remake of Shadow Dragon? What do you think about that?

When I played through it for the first time years ago, loved it.

I randomly wanted to play it again last year. However, I am absolutely appalled by the graphics. It hasn't aged well visually, and it actually kills the mood for me. I have never said that about a game because of the graphics. I feel shallow saying it, but I can't help it. The battle animations look so....ugly.

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