when i started this forum, i just wanted... a forum. i wasn't sure what the point would be, other than to have a forum. i've run forums in the past, but they were usually centered on my gorzek.com site. in that sense, they always felt a bit cult-of-personality, which is not who i am (nor who i ever want to be.)

settling on "we live in hell" just hit me suddenly, but of course it's not really a forum theme/topic.

so, here is where i am thinking of going with this:
  • some gamification features, but i want to keep them inobtrusive and optional. the intention would be kind of a tongue-in-cheek cyberpunk vibe.
  • i'm going to set up a wiki to share resources. this is a time when preserving knowledge is increasingly essential.
  • also to be a little cheeky, i want to set up an AI bot that answers forum posts. it would only operate in a forum set up for that purpose; i would never want an AI to be running around on people's posts everywhere.
  • some more hangout/social features. i'd like this to be a community that just happens to have a forum, and the forum to just be one aspect of it (though certainly the hub.)

i'm entertaining feedback on this since i'm not dead set on anything yet, but you'll probably see some changes roll through in the near future.
the horrors persist, but so do we

(aka large mozz)

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